What is an Assisted Living Dietary Menu Calendar?
An assisted living dietary menu calendar is a tool used by those who work in assisted living facilities to track the types of food that are being served to residents on a daily basis. This way, they can ensure that there is variety and that all dietary needs are being met.
The assisted living dietary menu calendar is typically created by a dietician or someone with an extensive knowledge of nutrition and food. It's often updated as new information comes in from doctors and family members about how to meet the dietary needs of different residents.
The calendar enables dietary staff to plan meals for each resident over a period of time, rather than having to create new menus daily or weekly. This helps them stay organized and avoid forgetting important information about each resident's preferences or restrictions. The calendar also allows them to monitor how much food has been consumed by each resident so they can provide extra helpings as needed.
The calendar usually contains a description of each meal being served, including what type of meat (beef, chicken, etc.), what type of vegetable (carrot sticks or broccoli), what kind of side dish (rice pilaf or mashed potatoes), etc. It also includes any special instructions for preparing the meals, such as whether they should be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes instead of 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes because one resident has trouble chewing hard foods like steak or pork chops.