Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that focuses on the process of inquiry.

What Is Inquiry-Based Learning?

Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that focuses on the process of inquiry. It is a constructivist approach to learning that emphasizes active participation, collaboration, and critical thinking. Inquiry-based learning is often used in the sciences, but it can be applied in any subject area.

Inquiry-based learning allows students to discover their own knowledge by asking questions and exploring answers on their own. Instead of being presented with facts and information, students are given an opportunity to find answers for themselves through research, experimentation, and discussion with others who may have additional knowledge or experience. This approach encourages students to take ownership of their own learning process as they apply critical thinking skills throughout the entire process rather than just at its conclusion (when they sit down for an exam).

How Does Inquiry-Based Learning Differ From Other Methods of Learning?

Inquiry-based learning differs from other methods because it requires active participation from all parties involved — teachers as well as students. This can sometimes be challenging for teachers because they are required to spend more time preparing lessons than they might otherwise need if they were simply lecturing or going over notes from a textbook chapter; however, when done correctly, this type of preparation will pay off in dividends when it comes time for exams since students will be able to demonstrate what they have learned by using critical thinking skills.

It also differs from other methods of learning in that it encourages students to ask questions and think critically, rather than just passively absorbing information. They are not given all of the answers; instead, they must figure them out on their own. Inquiry-based learning allows students to explore theories and concepts that interest them most, rather than just memorizing facts that may or may not be applicable later in life.

How Do I Implement Inquiry-Based Learning in My Classrooms?

Here are some tips for implementing inquiry-based learning in your classroom:

  1. Choose a topic for your inquiry
  2. Give students time to explore their topic
  3. Assign students smaller questions to answer during their research
  4. Encourage students to share their ideas with others

Additionally, some more detailed ways you can implement inquiry-based learning in your classroom are to:

  1. Give students a problem to solve. For example, ask them to figure out how many people work at their school and estimate the number of people in each grade level.
  2. Provide different types of information and ask students to analyze it. For example, give students data on how many visits there were to each classroom last year, then ask them to determine which classrooms had fewer than five visits per day and why those classrooms might have had fewer visits than others.