Remote Worker Tracking Software: Features, Benefits, and More.

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December 10, 2024
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The topic of employee monitoring today is becoming quite a hot one as employers are employing up-to-date technology to monitor and track everything their employees do. Is this a privacy trade-off or an achievement of productivity?

Research also shows that employee productivity increases by 7% when employees are aware that they are being monitored leading to higher profits. There is no doubt businesses of all industries are leveraging remote teams to keep productivity levels high and work through the ever-changing work landscape.

While it is possible to manage a remote workforce, there are challenges to that. This is where remote worker tracking software comes into play.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common challenges of managing remote workers along with some ideas on how to successfully engage their workforce while they operate from home or virtually from any location. And a quick overview of the best employee task management apps in the market.

We decided to explore what employee monitoring software benefits employees and what is that these tools can do for your team’s productivity.

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The Rise of Remote Work

In past years, the global working arrangement has changed significantly because of the increase in remote working. 

Contrary to popular belief, it's not just some hot new trend to jump on, but in actuality its a new way to think about and manage your workforce. But now you don’t have to stay in your office, it’s even possible to work wherever you want in the world. Whether it’s simple and plain at home, or in between a series of remote places, all over the world.

This shift is not only a convenience but also a strategic move for businesses looking to respond to the changing needs of the modern worker. 

In a report, 63% of the workers believe remote work is the most important aspect of their job, ahead of income (61%), flexible scheduling (55%), work-life boundaries (54%), and having a good boss (48%). Employers who embrace remote possibilities enjoy several advantages. 

One of the biggest is the increased flexibility inherent to remote work. Without the physical space requirements of an office, you free your employees from commuting and make way for a more adaptable and agile workforce. It also boosts a sense of empowerment and ownership, as workdays are managed more on employee terms than a set 9-5 schedule.

Another significant advantage of allowing employees to work away from the office is an increment in productivity. Without being bothered by noise from your colleagues and, phones ringing, it's easy to get more work done in less time. 

Studies show that remote workers work more hours than in-house workers and have an increase in productivity; an increase in productivity means that you have more money in your pocket and your employer sees your dedication so, you’re likely to be highly promoted.

Challenges of Managing a Remote Workforce

Let’s dig into the top challenges they face and how remote working tracking software is the thread that sews it all.

Compliance and Safety Requirements

Remote work introduces complexities to ensuring compliance with regulations specific to your industry. From data protection regulations to Occupational Safety and Health standards, companies need to comply with these legal requirements.

Solution: Safety and compliance in remote workplaces are largely propped up by remote work tracking software. 

With real-time visibility into remote workers’ locations and activities, remote work tracking software allows your company to ensure compliance with regulations even if employees aren’t all working out of a centralized office.

Productivity and Performance Monitoring

According to Monster research, 69% of remote employees report burnout, demonstrating that this issue exists even in remote work settings.

The challenge of managing remote teams is the visibility gap that normally occurs between managers and employees. Traditional methods of monitoring performance don't translate well into a remote work experience.

Solution: The visibility gap is bridged by utilizing remote work tracking software that accurately tracks and measures remote worker productivity. This is done by managing performance through metrics like task completion rates, and the amount of time spent on assignments by the managers.

Communication and Collaboration

Lack of proximity kicks communication down a notch. This leads to misunderstanding and inefficiency. Closing the gap between those remote teams and management is must for a healthier work to be done. 

Solution: One of the main benefits of remote worker tracking software is a notable increase in collaboration and project management. Most computer tracking software includes centralized communication channels and task assignment capabilities.

Whether team members sit in the same office or are spread out to other parts of the world, clearly defined communication protocols and real-time updates on projects allow them to work together without missing a beat.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns

A decentralized workforce comes with an inherent risk in that regard. Companies need to ensure their intellectual property and other industrial secrets remain safe from the risk of being hacked.

Solution: Remote working tracking software is built with these risks in mind, ensuring the strictest of security measures are put in place while still protecting employee information. 

With granular control over data access and encryption protocols, software suits can find a happy medium between being dependable to the employer and not crossing the line for staff.

Why Employee Monitoring Is So Important?

Effective workplace monitoring is an important facet of the business' management to make sure that the employees in a given firm have adhered to the policies and the code of practice. 

Managers and companies can employ this system to keep tabs on their workers' whereabouts and actions, learning more about the dynamics of their staff, identifying problem areas, and fixing them before they ever arise.

Besides helping businesses stay in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, protecting sensitive data, and preventing reputational harm from insider dangers and data breaches, monitoring workers using tools and software like employee check-in templates is a smart move.

The Difference Between Monitoring, Tracking and Surveillance

Overly controlling bosses are often the targets of accusations leveled against employee monitoring and tracking software. However, managers can actually leverage this software to their advantage by helping their staff identify wasteful processes and symptoms of burnout. 

As an alternative to invasive monitoring, it allows managers to provide individualized support to overcome obstacles, which is beneficial for both business and workers alike as it boosts productivity and morale. 

Maintaining a positive working connection between employers and employees is facilitated by using employee productivity monitoring software.

What Does Employee Monitoring Include?

Approximately 78% of companies utilize software to monitor performance and online activities, while 73% rely on stored recordings for performance evaluations.

Moreover, 94% track emails, with an overall 94%, 75%, and 59% monitoring time, screen captures, and keyboard/mouse movements, respectively.

With the use of employee monitoring, businesses can keep track of their workers and collect data on how well they're performing their jobs. Information such as location, URLs, app usage, and device activities may be included in this.

Typically, software that tracks employees' internet use serves to enforce company regulations. Additionally, it enables managers to monitor employee progress and ensures that tasks are completed, adding an extra degree of security.

GPS Tracking Software

Keeping workers insured and on schedule when they travel for business is a major challenge.

Using GPS tracking software, supervisors can track the whereabouts of field team employees. Everything they need to know about a team's whereabouts, routes, and distance, and work hours can be found in one convenient place.

With the use of GPS monitoring, safety rules can be reinforced for staff who work or travel under risky conditions. It is also useful for locating misplaced, broken, or stolen equipment.

Monitoring Internet Usage

Employee monitoring software gives businesses a way to keep tabs on what their workers do on the internet. Typical monitoring features include the retention of an employee's browser history, social networking site visits, and the amount of time spent taking screenshots of the employee's display.

And some of the employee monitoring apps also monitor Internet bandwidth to ensure that workers aren’t accessing a site or app to which they shouldn’t be.

Email Monitoring

Email monitoring is a common measure used by employers to safeguard their companies against spyware and malware. The same monitoring program ensures that employers respect their employees as well as their clients.

Overall, email monitoring assists in preventing harmful file sharing and other forms of improper or insulting language from reaching their intended recipients.

Monitoring Software and App Usage

Monitoring software and app usage offers businesses valuable insights into their employees' daily activities. By assessing the usefulness or redundancy of certain tools, employers can make informed decisions to optimize productivity and streamline operations. 

This data-driven approach not only helps in saving costs but also in enhancing team efficiency.

Tracking Employee Time

Monitoring employee time is easy thanks to employee monitoring software. The right employee time monitoring software will allow you to view any shifts that were either abandoned, missed, or started late. 

Not only that, you can monitor team members' levels of burnout, see how much time was spent on each task, and create timesheets to pay them.

Keylogging Solutions

Keyloggers capture all of a device's keystrokes. With this information, businesses can assess the efficiency of their workers in terms of computer usage. While one can monitor keystrokes, it can reveal login credentials, credit card number and password.

If all you really need is a measure of productivity, a keystroke monitor might be a more useful (and safer) device.

Video Surveillance Solutions

Workplaces are common places for video surveillance and this is done for guarding. In most cases, the risk management team utilizes footage to ensure no theft, sabotage, or violence occurs.

While video surveillance is widespread, read up on the laws in your area to check what is allowed. For instance, numerous U.S. states require proper signage for legal video surveillance.

Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software

1. Monitors Attendance Efficiently

Without monitoring, businesses could struggle to ensure that workers are consistently present and productive. 

A common issue is time fraud, where employees falsely report hours worked. Employee monitoring software offers options such as detailed productivity reports, highlighting websites, and appointment scheduling software used during work hours. 

Managers can then assess computer use, identify time-wasting activities like social networking or online shopping, and take appropriate action.

2. Identifies Mistakes Promptly

Errors can be quickly detected with ongoing employee monitoring. Whether it's for instant intervention or noting for future performance assessment, managers have the option to step in when employees make unintentional mistakes. 

A system that tracks employee behavior can assist those workers committed to self-improvement to enhance their performance. They'll have a better grasp of their abilities and be able to improve their performance without constant supervision. 

When employees struggle to find effective ways to complete tasks, managers can step in and help. Additionally, supervisors can observe how workers rectify their own mistakes using this approach.

3. Has Real-World Application

Let's say a certain task takes longer than expected to complete. In such a scenario, it's important to understand the reasons behind the delay. 

Staff monitoring and time tracking software can assist by compiling a comprehensive report detailing your login hours, the tasks you worked on, the duration of projects, and the time allocated to analysis or research. These metrics can help managers review your work and provide evidence to support your explanations.

4. Boosts Productivity Levels

Despite having a large staff, many organizations struggle to achieve the desired increase in productivity.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, it's worth considering implementing efficient staff monitoring. This can help identify areas where your staff are wasting time, allowing you to pinpoint inefficiencies. 

Furthermore, time theft is a significant concern in today's remote work landscape. Implementing a performance hour tracking system can deter employees from wasting time. To further support your staff in maximizing their productivity, consider scheduling regular meetings.

5. Facilitates Effective Management of Project Timelines

Before delegating responsibilities, managers typically create a project timeline. With the help of employee monitoring software, supervisors can keep track of how much time workers spend on various tasks and their activities within those tasks. 

By doing so, they can assess whether these tasks are progressing according to the planned schedule. To ensure that their staff is working efficiently, managers can utilize this data to adjust deadlines or provide coaching as needed. 

Managers can monitor the output of their remote workers and offer constructive criticism using this program, which boosts morale and productivity, ultimately contributing to the company's expansion.

6. Aids in Identifying Potential Security Breaches

Many companies have adopted employee monitoring software as standard practice in recent decades. 

Despite having several security precautions in place, important files and information may still be vulnerable to hacking. Software that tracks employee activity and provides insights into their performance can help identify security breaches. 

Since organizations often store highly sensitive information on their computers, it is crucial to quickly detect any hacking incidents.

7. Assesses Employee Performance and Career Advancement

Keeping tabs on workers can be an effective way to assess their job performance and even support their career growth. Managers can evaluate the performance of both individuals and teams using software specifically designed to measure and quantify productivity metrics and analyze work habits. 

By employing this practical approach, we can ensure that performance appraisals are fair and objective, that top performers receive recognition, and that opportunities for advancement are identified. 

8. Saving Grace for Working Remotely

There are numerous benefits of employee monitoring software as a solution to the challenges associated with managing remote work. 

Time monitoring software has demonstrated that maintaining an effective workflow without direct supervision is far from an insurmountable challenge. By enabling employers to observe the activities of their remote workers, this software instills greater confidence in the remote work arrangement.

Key Features of Remote Worker Tracking Software

Comprehensive Reporting

A successful remote monitoring system should have powerful reporting features, allowing managers to gain deep insights into remote workers' actions and performance. Customizable reports and analytics dashboards facilitate data-driven decision-making and performance evaluation.

Remote Access and Control

Remote access and control tools enable managers to solve difficulties and give real-time support to team members. Screen sharing, remote desktop control, and file transfer capabilities enable seamless collaboration and assistance.

Integration Capabilities

Integration with current tools and systems is critical for ensuring smooth workflow management. A successful remote monitoring system should be compatible with common productivity tools, communication platforms, and project management software, enabling interoperability and data synchronization.

Security and Compliance Features

Security and compliance features are critical in protecting sensitive corporate data and meeting regulatory standards. Encryption techniques, access restrictions, and audit trails all assist to reduce security risks and protect data privacy in remote work situations.

An Overview of The Best Employee Monitoring Software & Apps

1. Xenia- Revolutionizing the Remote Workforce Management

Xenia is a full-featured app for managing tasks and employees, and it also helps keep tabs on remote teams. With Xenia, you can turn important tasks into digital checklists that everyone in your company can view from any device, and you'll also get real-time updates and have better communication overall.

2. Hello Ivy

Software for managing tasks, With Hello Ivy, you can manage your projects, tasks, and internal communications all in one place. Quick to pick up and use, this program is easy to understand and use. 

4. Process Street

Process Street is a simple and easy-to-use tool for employee task checklists that has become popular among teams all around the world. In order to make sure that no important detail is overlooked, it is great for dividing big tasks into smaller, more manageable portions.

5. Connecteam

Connecteam is an employee platform that provides a well-structured, user-friendly space for team communication. It helps with the improvement of day-to-day operations and the development of each employee's professional skills inside the organization.

If you want to get your hands on the complete list with detailed insights on features, use case, and pricing, head over to our blog on Top 15 Employee Task Checklist Apps to Boost Team Productivity.


Given this backdrop, it’s not surprising that many businesses are realizing the need to invest in technology to better enable a new way of working – to drive efficiencies within their organization, to make their workforce more productive, and to help them stay compliant.

Here's where remote worker tracking software comes in! Remote worker tracking software can provide you with real-time insights, streamlined communication, and increased accountability. A survey of organizations with remote employees revealed that 60% currently utilize monitoring tools to check their employees' productivity and activity. 

So, remote work tracking is a way forward for businesses to explore new possibilities, without denting team members’ performance levels. 

Of course, since there’s a multitude of different software options available right now, each solution paints a different picture for business owners. If it’s your first time using a remote work tracking app, tool, or program, we recommend going on a trialing spree through free account sign-ups.

This will give you a fair idea of whatever sticks - and that too, without compromising your current budget.

Good luck!

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