How to Optimize Staff Scheduling for Peak Hours in Multiunit Retail Operations

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October 23, 2024
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Managing staff across multiple retail locations presents complex operational challenges. As a VP of Operations, you know that peak-hour staffing is crucial—get it wrong, and you risk both unhappy customers and ballooning labor costs. On one hand, you need enough employees to handle busy periods without overwhelming your staff; on the other hand, overstaffing wastes money, especially across multiple stores with unique customer traffic patterns.

Consider a common retail scenario: It’s 5 p.m. on a Friday, and some of your stores are crowded with long lines, leaving employees overwhelmed. Meanwhile, other stores—just a few miles away—have too many employees waiting around with little to do. Despite all the effort put into planning, peak-hour staffing feels like a guessing game. A single misjudgment can lead to lost sales, frustrated staff, or overspending on labor.

To succeed in this dynamic retail environment, you need more than instinct or outdated scheduling tools. With Xenia’s advanced platform, you can move beyond spreadsheets and manual processes, using data-driven insights, automation, real-time adjustments, and employee engagement tools to optimize staffing during peak hours. 

This blog will walk you through the steps for mastering peak-hour scheduling across multiple retail locations using modern techniques and technology.

What is Retail Scheduling Software?

Retail scheduling software is a digital tool designed to streamline and optimize staff scheduling in retail operations. It eliminates the need for traditional scheduling methods, such as spreadsheets or manual planning, by automating shift assignments, managing employee availability, and ensuring labor compliance. This type of software is especially valuable in multiunit retail environments, where multiple stores require unique staffing needs based on location-specific peak hours, employee availability, and sales patterns.

Fast Fact: Retail scheduling software
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9 Steps to Enhance Staff Scheduling for Busy Times in Multi-Unit Retail Operations.

Step 1: Forecast Peak Hours with Data-Driven Insights

Accurate forecasting is the first step toward effective staff scheduling. Peak-hour traffic can vary widely across locations based on store size, location type, customer demographics, and external events. For example, a mall-based store might see higher weekend traffic, while a store near offices may experience midweek lunch-hour peaks. Without reliable forecasts, managers may overstaff during slow periods or leave stores short-handed when traffic surges unexpectedly.

Traditional scheduling relies on managers’ instincts or historical habits, which no longer work in fast-changing retail environments. Multiunit retail chains, in particular, face the challenge of managing different peak times across locations, adding complexity to staffing decisions. Poor peak-hour planning leads to lost sales, poor customer experiences, and unnecessary labor costs.

Xenia uses real-time analytics and historical data to forecast location-specific peak hours with precision. Its platform analyzes past sales trends, transaction volumes, and foot traffic patterns to identify high-demand periods at each store. The system accounts for seasonal fluctuations, such as holidays, and local events that impact customer flow.

  • Historical Data Review: Leverage past performance to detect recurring peak-hour patterns.
  • Seasonal and Promotional Adjustments: Plan staffing around sales events, holidays, and other busy periods.
  • Adaptive Learning: Xenia continuously improves forecasts with new data, adjusting future schedules for better accuracy.
In-depth insights and data reports

With these insights, managers can prepare for busy times and reduce labor costs by optimizing employee coverage without overstaffing.

Pro Tip: Segment sales data by hour and day to discover smaller peak trends—such as lunch rushes or after-work spikes—ensuring coverage when it’s needed most.

Step 2: Automate Scheduling Across Multiple Locations

Manually managing staff schedules across multiple locations is time-consuming and prone to mistakes. With dozens or even hundreds of employees across several stores, balancing availability, skills, and store-specific needs becomes a complex task. 

Scheduling errors—such as overlapping shifts, missed assignments, or insufficient staff during peak times—can frustrate both employees and customers. Managers may spend hours fixing last-minute issues, detracting from more important responsibilities.

Automation offers a way to eliminate these inefficiencies by streamlining the scheduling process. Rather than relying on spreadsheets or manual planning, automated systems help populate schedules with minimal intervention, ensuring staffing aligns with store needs.

Xenia offers automated scheduling tools that allow managers to build reusable templates for peak periods. The system considers employee availability, preferred shifts, and forecasted traffic to assign the right people to the right shifts automatically.

  • Template Creation: Managers can create shift templates using our library of pre-built templates and checklists for recurring peak periods (e.g., weekends or lunch hours).
  • Automatic Shift Assignment: Employees are assigned based on their skills, availability, and location needs.
  • Fair Distribution: Shifts are spread evenly among employees to prevent burnout and favoritism.

Automating schedules with Xenia removes the guesswork from scheduling, allowing managers to focus on higher-priority tasks like customer service or training.

Customizable templates and checklists

Step 3: Optimize Labor Costs Without Sacrificing Customer Satisfaction

Labor costs are among the largest expenses for retail businesses. If not managed carefully, they can erode profits, especially in multiunit operations. Overstaffing during slow periods wastes money while understaffing during peak hours can result in lost sales, unhappy customers, and diminished brand loyalty. 

Finding the right balance is crucial, but it’s easier said than done.

Inconsistent labor cost management also contributes to managerial headaches. Without visibility into labor spending at the shift or store level, managers struggle to keep costs aligned with sales performance, which leads to inefficiencies and overtime expenses.

Xenia provides real-time labor tracking tools that allow managers to monitor labor costs by shift and store. This visibility helps align staffing levels with demand, ensuring labor costs stay under control without compromising the customer experience.

  • Real-Time Task Monitoring: Xenia allows managers to monitor the time employees spend on specific tasks and work orders. This feature provides real-time visibility into task completion, helping identify inefficiencies and improve workforce productivity​.
  • Analytics and Reporting: With advanced analytics dashboards, managers can track employee performance, generate productivity reports, and analyze work distribution across teams. The platform provides insights into workloads, enabling data-driven decisions for staffing adjustments​.
  • Work Order and Cost Tracking: Managers can track the costs associated with specific tasks or requests, ensuring better control over labor expenses. This feature helps align labor with operational demands without compromising efficiency​.

With these tools, managers can prevent overtime expenses, reallocate resources efficiently, and boost profitability without sacrificing customer service.

Better cost and order tracking

Step 4: Make Real-Time Adjustments for Unpredictable Events

Even with the best forecasts, unexpected events—such as a sudden rush of customers, weather disruptions, or staff absences—can throw off your staffing plans. Retail managers need to be agile enough to adjust schedules on the fly without disrupting operations. If stores can’t respond quickly, overwhelmed staff and frustrated customers are often the result, leading to lost sales and brand damage.

Traditional scheduling systems lack the flexibility to handle real-time disruptions, forcing managers to scramble for last-minute fixes. This not only increases their workload but also negatively affects employee morale.

Xenia provides real-time alerts and flexible scheduling tools that help managers respond to sudden changes. If a staff member calls in sick or traffic spikes unexpectedly, managers can quickly reassign shifts or bring in additional employees.

  • Instant Alerts & Notifications: Xenia provides real-time notifications through mobile and web apps. Managers and employees receive alerts for task assignments, task progress, and work orders. Automated email notifications can also be configured, which helps teams stay updated on operational changes and issues​.
  • On-Demand Adjustments: Our mobile-first platform allows managers to assign, monitor, and adjust work orders or tasks in real-time across multiple locations. This setup ensures that employees can be quickly redirected based on evolving operational needs.

With Xenia’s real-time capabilities, stores remain agile and responsive, ensuring seamless customer service during disruptions.

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Step 5: Ensure Fair Workload Distribution to Prevent Burnout

Unbalanced workloads are a major cause of employee burnout, absenteeism, and high turnover. When the same employees are repeatedly assigned to peak-hour shifts, morale declines, and staff become disengaged. On the flip side, employees who receive fewer shifts than they desire may feel underutilized and unmotivated. Ensuring fair workload distribution is key to maintaining an engaged workforce.

Ensure shifts are evenly distributed among employees with Xenia, preventing over-reliance on certain staff members while giving others the opportunity to work more hours. The system factors in availability, skills, and past performance to create balanced schedules.

  • Even Shift Allocation: Spread peak-hour shifts among multiple employees to avoid overloading key performers.
  • Preference-Based Scheduling: Match shifts with employee preferences and availability to boost satisfaction.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor individual performance to ensure high achievers are recognized and rewarded.

With balanced workloads, employees are more likely to stay engaged and motivated, resulting in better service quality and reduced turnover.

Schedule tasks easily

Step 6: Empower Employees with Flexible Scheduling Options

Rigid schedules lead to employee burnout, disengagement, and higher turnover. Modern employees expect greater control over their schedules, especially in industries like retail, where shifts can be unpredictable.

Offering flexibility not only improves morale but also reduces absenteeism and turnover—two major issues in multiunit operations.

Xenia’s platform enables employee-driven scheduling, allowing workers to input availability, swap shifts, or request time off. Managers can set clear boundaries and rules to maintain operational consistency while offering flexibility.

  • Even Shift Allocation: Get task and workload tracking features with Xenia that allow managers to distribute tasks efficiently among employees. Through its real-time task monitoring and reporting dashboards, managers can ensure that no employee is overloaded by monitoring task distribution across the workforce. This indirectly supports balanced shift management by spreading work responsibilities evenly​
  • Preference-Based Scheduling: Xenia provides task scheduling tools where managers can create and manage recurring schedules for tasks and workflows. While it does not explicitly allow preference-based shift matching, managers can use the platform’s custom calendar tools to align tasks with employee availability. This ensures smoother coordination and can be adapted to honor individual preferences to some extent​
  • Performance Tracking and Recognition: Our platform offers comprehensive employee productivity tracking through analytics dashboards. Managers can access work summary reports, employee task counts, and leaderboards to identify high performers. This performance data enables recognition and rewards for top achievers, helping maintain engagement and motivation among employee

Giving employees control over their schedules reduces no-shows and last-minute cancellations. It also boosts morale, as employees feel empowered rather than micromanaged.

Easy task management for employees

Step 7: Track Employee Performance and Attendance for Accountability

Offering flexibility must be balanced with accountability. Without proper tracking, managers may struggle to maintain performance standards during peak hours, leading to service disruptions. High absenteeism can disrupt operations, particularly when employees feel there are no consequences for poor attendance.

Xenia works as an employee accountability software that tracks employee performance, attendance, and punctuality in real-time. Managers gain visibility into who shows up on time, completes shifts, and meets performance goals. This data can be used to reward top performers and address absenteeism proactively.

  • Attendance Tracking and Shift Completions: Employees can log the time spent on tasks or work orders, allowing managers to monitor attendance indirectly. This time tracking ensures accountability for shift-related tasks and confirms task completions in real-time, helping managers track employee participation and productivity throughout shifts.​
  • Performance Metrics for Peak Periods: Xenia offers performance-tracking dashboards that provide insights into individual and team performance. Managers can generate employee productivity reports and use task counters to identify high achievers. These insights enable managers to recognize employees who excel during critical periods, offering them more preferred shifts or tasks as a reward.
  • Accountability and Absenteeism Reports: Managers can use these reports to identify patterns of missed tasks or incomplete shifts, allowing proactive interventions before absenteeism affects operations. Reports can also be exported to PDF or Excel for further analysis and action planning​.

With performance tracking, managers can balance flexibility with accountability, ensuring high standards are maintained during peak times.

Step 8: Use Data Insights to Continuously Improve Scheduling

Retail operations are dynamic, meaning that what works today might not work tomorrow. Constant evaluation of scheduling effectiveness is essential to keep staffing aligned with changing customer patterns. 

Without analyzing past performance, it’s easy to repeat the same mistakes—leading to inefficiencies and missed sales opportunities.

Xenia offers data analytics and reporting tools that allow managers to evaluate the effectiveness of schedules over time. The platform highlights trends, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies, helping managers refine schedules for future peak periods.

  • Shift Performance Reports: Xenia provides work analytics dashboards that allow managers to monitor operational performance. Through detailed reports, managers can evaluate how different tasks or shifts contribute to overall productivity, helping identify high and low-performing shifts.
  • Trend Analysis: With custom reporting capabilities, such as filtering by date, location, and task status, managers can uncover evolving patterns (like increased workloads or delays during peak times). This trend analysis helps businesses optimize staffing levels for future peak periods.​
  • Employee Insights and Alignment: Through employee productivity reports and leaderboards, Xenia enables managers to track individual performance. These insights help identify which employees excel during critical periods, allowing managers to align the right personnel with peak demand shifts. 

With these insights, managers can continuously improve their scheduling strategy and ensure that labor efficiency increases over time.

Step 9: Create a Sustainable and Scalable Scheduling Strategy

As businesses grow, managing multiple stores across regions becomes increasingly challenging. What works for a handful of stores may not scale effectively across dozens or hundreds. A sustainable and scalable scheduling strategy ensures consistency and efficiency regardless of how many locations are added.

Xenia’s platform provides a centralized scheduling system that can easily scale as new stores are added. Managers can apply templates, automate shifts, and monitor performance across locations from a single dashboard.

  • Centralized Control Across Location: Xenia allows managers to manage tasks, schedules, and reports from a single platform. Through its centralized dashboard, managers gain visibility into operational activities across multiple stores, ensuring consistent task management and performance tracking at all locations​.
  • ​Multi-Location Automation with Templates: The platform supports custom templates for recurring tasks, inspections, or workflows, which can be applied across stores. This capability ensures consistent processes across locations and minimizes the need for manual scheduling adjustments. Managers can also assign and monitor tasks across different locations in real-time through the centralized system​.
  • Scalable Operations: As new stores are onboarded, managers can seamlessly integrate them into the existing platform, applying the same templates and task management rules. The scalable architecture supports business expansion with minimal administrative overhead​.

A scalable approach ensures your staffing strategy evolves with your business, maintaining efficiency and customer satisfaction as you grow.

Take Control of Your Scheduling with Xenia

Mastering peak-hour scheduling across multiple retail locations doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With Xenia’s data-driven tools, automation, and real-time adjustments, you can ensure your stores are always staffed efficiently—delivering excellent customer experiences without overextending your labor budget.

Book a demo of Xenia today and discover how you can revolutionize your multiunit operations. Say goodbye to manual scheduling headaches and embrace a smarter, more efficient way to manage peak-hour staffing.

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