
A backlog is a list of items that have not yet been completed. The items on this list are often tasks, but they can also be specific projects or milestones.

What Is Backlog?

A backlog is a list of items that have not yet been completed. The items on this list are often tasks, but they can also be specific projects or milestones. For example, if you are planning a wedding and you have got a lot of things to do — like getting invitations printed and sending out save-the-dates — you could use a backlog to keep track of everything.

When it comes to business, the term "backlog" has two meanings: it can refer either to your company's backlog or to your personal backlog. Company-wide, backlog refers to all of the work that needs doing but has not gotten done yet. For example, if your company makes software, there might be dozens or even hundreds of features that have been requested by customers but have not been implemented yet because they need more time or resources before they can be completed successfully. Personal backlogs are similar but smaller; if you are running an Etsy store and have 100 orders waiting to be shipped out before Christmas arrives next week, then you have got a personal backlog too!

Why Are Backlogs Important?

The reason backlogs are important is because they help you see what is coming up on your plate so you can plan accordingly — they let you know exactly what needs to be done right now and what will happen later on down the road. They also help you prioritize tasks so that the most important things are always being worked on first instead of getting lost in the shuffle.

Backlogs allow businesses to effectively plan for the future and ensure that their employees know what is expected of them. Without a backlog, it can be difficult for employees to know what work needs to be done, or if they have enough time to complete their current tasks.

How Do I Create a Backlog for My Business?

When you are trying to get a handle on your business, one of the first things you should do is create a backlog. The best way to get started with your backlog is to think about what needs to be done right now. These are things that need immediate attention and cannot wait until later — they are urgent and they need to be taken care of right away. Once you have got those items off your plate, it is time to start thinking about what else needs to be done over the next few months or years. If there are any non-urgent tasks that could be worked on between now and then, add them to your backlog as well!